Welcome! This is the main page of the Funky Dealer Neocities site. Enjoy your time here! ...P.S., keep your eyes peeled for secret pages, but don't think it's as easy as hovering your cursor over an image or anything. You'd better get clickin', boy!
WarioWare: Twisted! - Menu


Welcome to the site!

I'm Funky Dealer, but if you can't stand not having a sense of familiarity, genuine or not, or just hate any names longer than 2 syllables, then call me Aidan.

What's your deal?

I'm a hobby artist, almost exclusively drawing my OCs or fanart. I also arrange music covers using instrument samples from games, mainly Wario Land 4 and Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations. These can be found on my Tumblr blog, my YouTube channel, or the music page on this very site.

Anything else?

I do aggressive rollerblading as a hobby! Jet Set Radio is entirely responsible for this. I occasionally post about my progression to my Tumblr.

On top of Jet Set Radio, as well as other obvious ones such as the Wario franchise, I also gather inspiration from Sam & Max, Pop'n Music (1998-2012), the MOTHER franchise, Puyo Pop Fever, and the Jackbox Games/YDKJ franchise.

What's new?


• Added March 2024 art to the gallery, added & updated a few songs in the Sound Studio!